Why Life Story Education?
The demand for comprehensive and engaging Relationships Education in schools has surged in recent years, accelerated by concern over the impact of Covid-19 lockdowns and by the harrowing tales of harassment and sexism uncovered by 'Everyone's Invited’. The increasingly digital nature of our social landscapes – exacerbated by the pandemic – means that today's teenagers find themselves at once more connected and more isolated than ever before. In this context, it becomes imperative to equip students with the skills necessary to cultivate and navigate meaningful and respectful relationships with their peers.
Modern teenagers face more challenges to the development of these key skills than any previous generation. In an era of digital communication and social media, where screen-based interactions can limit empathy-building opportunities and expose students to cyberbullying and online disinhibition, the promotion of face-to-face interactions is key to cultivating emotional intelligence. By using an extended role play format, the Life Story games facilitate the face-to-face conversations and opportunities that students need to build crucial social and relational skills.